Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: Not really angst, but definetely not fluff Rating: PG Characters: Kibum-centric Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say?
Title: Never Coming Home Genre: Violence, pretty much . Rating: R to be safe Summary: The fighting in Korea starts up again and everyone's rushing to help.
Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: You tell me Rating: G Character: Xander Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say?
Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: Derpy Fluff Rating: G Character: Kiseop Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say? *The heart is extrememly lobsided. Shoot me.
Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: Fluff ? Rating: PG Character: Hoon Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say?
Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: Angst Character: Kevin Rating: PG-13 Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say? Warning: Hinted rape/abuse
Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: Fluff Character: Soohyun Rating: PG Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say?
Title: The Meaning of Love Genre: Angst Character: Eli Rating: PG Summary: If you asked the members of U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say?
Title: The Meaning of Love Character: AJ (The next 6 will be different) Genre: ...Angst? Rating: PG Summary: If you asked U-Kiss what love meant to them, what would they say?